Endless possibilities with our flexible subscription builder

With our tools you can build your own subscriptions, ensuring steady revenue and customer loyalty.
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Offering subscriptions made easy

Create your own subscriptions, and fully control the terms and what is included using our subscription builder.

Subscription content

Choose which services are included and how many credits are assigned to each.

Offering choices

Assign credits to a group of services, allowing your customers to choose what to use the credits for.

Payment cycles

Decide how often the subscription renews and your customer gets charged

Credit cycles

Select how often a customer's credits should renew during a single payment cycle.

Dashboard mockup
Clear overview

All your recurring revenue at a glance

Managing subscriptions is a piece-of-cake with a clear overview, powerful filtering options and easy ways to manage them.

Filter by status and customer

Quickly display all unpaid subscriptions, and take action to make sure you get paid. Or view subscriptions belonging to specific customers.

View credits used

For each payment cycle there is a clear overview of how many credits were used, allowing you to analyze subscription usage.

Full payment control

A payment for a subscription is no different than any other payment — you can issue refunds and mark it as paid just as you otherwise would.

Get notified when we launch

All-in-one booking and payment software for you, your team and your customers.

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